Low-code for Insurance Solutions

Insurance companies are increasingly stepping away from outsourced development teams that build and maintain their IT infrastructure. Not only is it costly, but it is also cumbersome to drive innovation as a business when relying on external parties. This is why more and more insurance companies have opted to bring a low-code platform like Betty Blocks into their technical fold.

How low-code helps the insurance sector:


Build modern insurance solutions on top of existing (legacy) systems.


Rapidly create claims and decrease risk exposure by centralizing data sources.


Meet customer demand by creating mobile apps independent from IT.

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Insurance application development

Prior to the introduction of no-code/low-code platforms, creating digital solutions that fit the insurance sector's demands was expensive and lengthy. More often than not, core systems consisted of fragmented applications, which left little room for scalability and streamlining. Not to mention that prototyping and customizing applications boasts a significant strain on the insurer’s IT resources. Now, insurers are frantically trying to tease out manual processes and creating intuitive customer-facing applications to increase customer satisfaction. However, due to the high workload and limited IT resources, many insurance solutions are stuck on the backlog.

With Betty Blocks, insurance providers can augment their current processes, such as claims and case management, policy generation, fraud detection, and database centralization. Our low-code platform also lends itself well to modernizing insurance (legacy) systems and facilitating cloud-ready architecture.

Diversify the insurance tech stack

By adding no-code/low-code capabilities to the IT infrastructure, development cycles can be shortened significantly, allowing for more focus on a broader overall tech stack. Applications built with low-code are easier to maintain thanks to their drag-and-drop interface and incremental approach. Being faster than traditional development practices, low-code platforms allow insurance companies to create bespoke mobile applications that foster greater collaboration between the client and the business.

In-house solution development

By adding Betty Blocks to the organization’s tech stack, it will be able to control the development cycle better. This will reduce costs and time to market, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.


Add governance tools

Betty Blocks excels at equipping third-party tools with extensive governance settings. Seamlessly add role-based permissions and admin access to applications, portals, databases, and more.


Complex process automation

Use Betty Blocks to build applications that can automate cumbersome processes like underwriting for quote and policy generation by integrating with internal databases for reliable results.


Compliance checks

Fully automate regular compliance checks across the entire organization’s IT and database structure. Keep track of policy renewals and certificated all in one centralized Betty Blocks application. 

Approach digital transformation successfully

With the insurance industry now broadly embracing digital transformation, the innovations that are emerging are certainly exciting. Taking a glass-half-full view, there are plenty of opportunities for tech-savvy insurance companies to increase revenue and market share, and consumers, too, should stand to gain from increasingly personalized and user-friendly services.However, there are also challenges driving this transformation, such as increased competition from InsurTech startups, the need to improve security controls alongside technological advancements, attracting and retaining staff, and balancing digitized services with the personal touch. Though there are many challenges to overcome and many changes on the horizon, future-focused insurers that embrace digital transformation early can and will weather the storm.

Accelerate legacy modernization efforts

For many insurance companies, working with outdated systems is a reality. Technical debt can severely hamper an organization’s ability to respond the increasing operational and customer demand. Besides impeding digital transformation, legacy systems consume budget and make it difficult to adapt to regulatory and market changes. They’re also a prominent cause of data breaches — the last thing you want as an insurance company. Legacy systems don’t have to be replaced overnight, but it’s imperative that insurance companies develop sound strategies for mitigating the risks they pose. Betty Blocks is a viable solution for augmenting and modernizing legacy systems by providing a development platform that allows insurers to extend their outdated IT capacity incrementally through low-code.

Extend Anva solutions
with Betty Blocks low-code

Anva is an insurance technology platform primarily catering to the Dutch market. However, its extensive tool suite can be restrictive when organizations want to collaborate with businesses outside of the Netherlands. This is where custom portals built with Betty Blocks can be a great addition. On top of that, organizations can use Betty Blocks to add extra security layers and governance settings to any application or portal running on Anva.

Anva Portals

Be able to create branded client-facing portals that integrate with your Anva database. Betty Blocks can also be used to offer Anva portals in English or any other target language.

Data Platforms

Create integrations and connections between REST- APIs with Betty Blocks to improve the connectivity of the Anva Data Platform and streamline data processing and storage.

Business Insights

Leverage data insights gather with Anva. Create connections between powerful BI tools or augment your existing Business Intelligence suite to sync with Anva capabilities.

Anva Extracts

Use data pulled from Anva Extracts to create new and bespoke solutions with low-code in just a fraction of the traditional development time.

User Management

Adding governance permissions and SSO will create an extra layer of security around back-office portals where documents are managed and stored.

Policy Calculator

Automate and configure policy criteria for self-service portals. Create custom forms and input fields where clients can calculate their insurance policy.


Extend Fadata solutions with Betty Blocks

Fadata is a powerhouse when it comes to insurance resource management. They offer an extensive suite of tools to manage administration and policies in a centralized space. However, for organizations looking to create unique tools and integrations, the INSIS platform itself offers few customization options. This is where the power of low-code comes in: to augment and extend Fadata’s existing solutions.

INSIS extensions

Create connections with Betty Blocks to augment the Insis platform and Rule Engine and make it even more versatile and flexible. Connect to REST APIs to create a powerful all-in-one cloud-based platform.

Billing management

Customize and modernize the various billing models that an organization handles. Eliminate manual payment processes by defining automation action steps on how bills are stored and processed.

Client portals

Use Betty Blocks to create branded portals for client or internal use while keeping the original Fadata database. You can also use Betty Blocks to create a connection between Fadata and another third-party app.

Service modules

Expand on the existing Fadata service modules' capabilities by augmenting processing power and features. Create self-service portals to increase customer satisfaction.

Claims management

Improve speed and efficiency by adding powerful AI capabilities that streamline the claims management process. Neatly keep track of open and resolved claims in one centralized space.

BPM extension

Fix the missing links with Betty Blocks to make rigid BMPs more flexible and to facilitate the integration of new technologies into the organization’s in-house tech stack.


Integrate AI to power up insurance apps

With the rise of AI comes an elevation in customer satisfaction and demands. Betty Blocks offers a powerful AI tool that can be integrated with any insurance IT environment. This tool can help summarize lengthy claims or policy documents, significantly cutting down on manual processing times. Many organizations also use AI chatbots to help resolve customer issues online and improve the overall customer experience. AI integrations can also be used to safeguard claims settlements. Use Machine Learning to optimize how fraud is detected, making future predictions much more reliable.

Customer success stories in insurance

Univé Implements Strategic Innovation to Create a New Line of Business

Reduced time-to-market from one year to 2,5 months

Extremely fast response to market demands and exceed industry expectations

Built a no-code foundation from which they can focus on even the most advanced solutions

Univé’s Innovation Lab in action

Cutting back time to market from 1 year to 2,5 months

Speeding up development time by 75 percent

Built a no-code foundation from which they can focus on even the most advanced solutions

Load more cases

Applications developed by Univé


Safe Living service

Prevent damage from fire, water, and electricity or cover damages from burglary with a safe Living subscription.


Legal assistance on demand

With Legal Assistance on Demand, Univé helps its customers with tailor-made legal assistance.


Private lease

With private lease from Univé, you can drive a brand new car for an extremely low monthly payment. Always including maintenance, insurance, and taxes.

See for yourself in the App Gallery
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FAQ about low-code for the insurance sector

How much does it cost to build an app with Betty Blocks?

Betty Blocks offers a comprehensive subscription-based pricing model based on the number of users and the amount of applications you wish to build. 

How long will it take to build an application with Betty Blocks?

 It depends on the scale and complexity of the application. For simple use cases, we can develop a fully functional application in just four weeks with the Betty Blocks 4-week guarantee

Where can I get a demo of the platform?

You can schedule a personalized demo right here

How do I know if Betty Blocks is right for my insurance use case?

You can check out our platform page to see what kind of features we offer. However, if you are unsure about how Betty Blocks can fit into your use case, we are happy to discuss this in detail during the demo.